Alright folks. Time for another CBC to ring in the new year.
For those of you too new to remember, I used to do community building contests on a fairly regular basis. But they were just too stressful to co-ordinate and I kinda gave up on them.
Well I'm back at it. For better or worse.
This one will be similar to last time's, you and your teams try to complete challenges, but a few things have changed dramatically.
1. The teams will be much larger than before and I choose who is on which team instead of you guys. (More on this later)
2. The entire list of challenges are posted at the beginning and the goal is not to complete the challenges first, but to complete more challenges than your opponent.
3. Each team will receive a private forum to discuss strategy and team info in. I don't know how teams organized last year, or if they did at all, but this time I'll make it easier.
Now, this thread is for people to sign-up, so I can see how much interest there is and how big I can make the teams.
What you have to do: Just post in this thread and say 1. you want to play and 2. what you think you're good at. If there is a user you REALLY want to be on a team with or REALLY don't want to be on a team with, shoot me a PM. Feel free to ask questions in this thread too.
Oh yeah, and amandab and Random Man are helping me organize this, so they're pretty cool, yeah.
Sign-up will close in about a week. So don't dawdle. Thanks.