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I had an alternate history dream!

Last posted Jun 05, 2024 at 01:59PM EDT. Added Jun 03, 2024 at 07:35PM EDT
2 posts from 2 users

2: In my dream all U.S. plane flights were grounded because reasons and ATC inadvertently stopped 9/11 then al-omari and waleed al-shehri took me, my Dad and some others hostage since they couldn't help hijack Flight 11. My Dad helped fight them but I was to scared to.

1: I've seen the film "United 93" twice and read its Wikipedia article and created an alternate history where my Mom and I are passengers(in seats 14e and 14f specifically) on Flight 93 and while my Mom joins the attempt to stop the hijacking I try to avoid violence and simply assume(even after the plane is hijacked) that the terrorists plan to land. As a result, Flight 93 crashes as expected. My Father, knowing my mother and I are on a plane calls her(after 10:05 a.m.) and spends the day watching local and national news until he figures out our flights number and connects our flight and the crashed flight in Pennsylvania.

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