As you said, Western outsiders are at times completely obsessed with the country. It is no doubt that this has given it the nickname "Best Korea" on the internet. Its actions regarding threats are common targets of mocking and both its former and current leader are without doubt internet celebrities (Kim Jong Un winning person of the year and sexiest man).
So yes, the country is without doubt worthy of mention the site in my personal opinion. But to raise the question: Is it a subculture? It has a fan following, generated memes and content, is a common topic of discussion and mock. It feels a bit weird tbh, but I cannot think of a different category where it would fit under. It's simply the number 1 reality series at the moment.
On point you brought up however was the Western obsession with the secretive country and its people. Outside of the grorious reader, I don't believe the country itself nor the people living there are common topics of interest. Online attention is mainly given to either single people (mainly the Kim Jong's) and events (missle threats, person of the year polls, Biebs to NK), not directly to the country itself. It's like a fandom not interested in the story, only the funny content produced by the internet.
In comparison to this you can take the US, which is without doubt the most well known country in the world for various, not always positive, reasons. But likewise to NK, the main attention is given to people (Obama and other policitical figurs), events (numerous), or for example extreme patriotism. The latter we covered through entries about slang terms like 'Murica and America: Fuck Yeah, but not in an entry about either the country or extreme patriotism.
So if you are going to cover North Korea as a country, you have to start questioning if the US is worthy of coverage on the website. Given the notability of the country and its repuation (not only on patriotism, but also other topics like weight issues), I can put reason behind covering the US. After that though you quickly need to draw a line imo.