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(Sigh) Going on the assumption that NO ONE HERE has read 451…

In short, it's a book about a "Utopian" (Using that term loosely) society in which the government has banned all outside knowledge, meaning books are to be burned. "Firemen" as they are called, are the people who go into homes, find books, and burn them – Regardless of who's in the house or what. One fireman is secretly reading books, and thus knows of the hell society has been put into, and he plans to escape. That's pretty much the book without going into details.

Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to DefinitelyNotADog

I remember reading it back in high school in one of my literature classes. It's apparently also one of the more misinterpreted books in history as well, because it seems like while most everyone thought it was about government censorship being used to pacify a nation's citizens, it turns out Bradbury himself has said that the story is about society at large taking political correctness too far and urging the government to ban/burn all books deemed "offensive" (while TV is not banned because society asked the government to police the airwaves).

In other words, it's about what would happen if social justice warriors got their way on a major scale.


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