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Explosive Lasers AKA Solaire AKA Sexiest
Explosive Lasers AKA Solaire AKA Sexiest

Let me ask you if you consider going to watch "Schindler's List" to be a fun experience. It's not fun. It's a gut-wrenching tragedy about the death of countless innocent people. But it's an amazing movie that makes you feel and makes you learn about humanity.

Games, like any art form, don't need to be fun. They are supposed to make you feel emotions. True, more often than not the emotion happens to be enjoyment, but there are times when you're just supposed to feel sadness, anger, frustration, relief, defeat, etc. I cried like a baby several times during the course of the Telltale "Walking Dead" game, even on my second playthrough. That made the game memorable, and made me love it. Because it had the ability to make me cry. I wasn't enjoying crying, but I liked how a game could do that.

What the guy saying games don't need to be fun is saying is that they're an art form like anything else. Saying they have to be fun is diminishing the potential of games and saying they're lesser than any other art form, because they're not allowed to make you feel bad emotions, they have to make you feel bad. And dismissing that guy as being an idiot for what he said is just as bad, because you're putting down games just as much.


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