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Crimson Locks
Crimson Locks

Spoilers, obviously: It seems that the ratio of viewers who saw Hans' betrayal coming vs the viewers who were caught off guard was pretty split down the middle. I was surprised by it while my boyfriend was suspicious ever since the quick proposal. I suppose it just goes to show there are two kinds of people in the world. smart people and idiots

Either way, I preferred this shocker to what I expected to happen: Hans kissing Anna only to find out the curse didn't break, blah blah blah, finding out Kristoff was the one true love, blah blah blah, contrivances ahoy, Hans screws off and gets no love despite being a decent guy (no I do not think he would have shipped well with Elsa). This is why I applaud the movie so much, it basically avoided anything I expected to happen that would make me groan. The real downside to this whole twist though was it made the Duke of Weasletown a completely useless character. I seriously don't know why he was in the movie beyond comic relief and being the bait to this bait and switch antagonist.

S1MP50N (local AFOL)
S1MP50N (local AFOL)

(spoiler) I have to admit I did not see this coming when I saw the movie and was kinda disappointed because they had made Hans such a likeable character up to that point (although I did like how they threw that twist in making the 'prince charming' character turn out to be the villain). What I thought was going to happen was when the search party went out to find Anna; Hans would have gotten captured by Elsa at her ice castle. Then they would have ended up bonding and realize they were a better match for each other and then Hans would have become Elsa’s love interest. And that would have worked out great for Hans because then he could have become king (after all he was doing a pretty bang-up job running Arendelle during a crisis during the sisters’ absence) without being a backstabbing prick. And the Duke of Weselton could have been the only antagonist but not because he was evil but because he was blinded by fear and superstation which he already was. And he would have locked up Anna because her hair was turning white and he thought she had ice powers too. And one of the Duke’s goons would have been the one to attack Elsa causing Anna to sacrifice herself.


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