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255 Views Created about a month ago By BPDAngelDevil • Updated about a month ago

Created By BPDAngelDevil • Updated about a month ago

If you saw this Still, recent research suggests that a rising number of younger men are seeking older women and vice versa. Case in point? One survey found that 81% of women are open to dating someone 10 years younger than they are, and nearly 90% of men are interested in dating someone 10 years older. or this Meet the hagmaxxers: Gen Z's new social trend of dating older women A very strange phenomenon is making its rounds on social media. Gen Z men are ditching casual sex with their women to pursue long term relationships with financially stable and experienced Millennial ladies. Listen to this article now Ar < HAGMACHINE ZOOMERA GIRLS 1TWINK ZOOMERS I. UNDERSTAND... I LIKE OLDER WOMEN I'M.AHAG LOVER... By Mack Lamoure May 19, 2024, 5:33pm Share Tweet Soap 20yr 37yr You're probably wondering what the f--- is HAGMAXXING??? Hagmaxxing is a dating strategy for socially awkward Gen Z boys where instead of dating normies and Gen Z "femcel" sluts, they engage in wholesome romantic relationships with totally not socially crippled and desperate hags-mature women in their late 20s or 30s. Hagmaxxing was pushed in an effort to match the loneliest female demographics (older women) with the loneliest male demographics (young men) -Hagmaxxing is NOT cougar hunting -Hagmaxxing is NOT having a practice gf -Hagmaxxing is NOT a joke *hag is an endearing term used to refer to unmarried women past the age of 25. It originates from Japanese culture where single women after 25 are frowned upon despite still looking very young But why should female losers date younger male losers? Average Millennial "men" Average ZoomerGOD -Low T weak p---- -Bald by 25 -Takes humiliating selfies -Immoral and atheistic -Was indoctrinated to let women make the first move -Thinks marriage and babies are a trap -Has dumb hobbies like playing games and collecting Funko Pops -Literally the origin of the Soyjak meme -High T every D -Head always full of hair -Doesn't take selfies -Has no idea how to treat a woman, relies on his male instincts -Has moral values and is in touch with spirituality -Wants to marry and reproduce with his soulmate Zoomer males are real men who rebel against the establishment by pursuing stable relationships and marriage (source: The Knot Worldwide). FAQ Q: -Am I a hag if I'm a single mother or an ex party girl with a body count in the 200s? A: -No, you're just a single mother or a f------ w---- Q: What do I get out of a relationship with a younger man? A: -Love, lifetime committment, fun, babies etc. Q: -I think the word hag is offensive, what do I do? A: -Grow thicker skin lol Q: -Does this actually work? A: -Yes! It's guaranteed to work by many age gap couples TESTIMONIALS >date older autistic woman >loves to read and build computers >have a setup at home now that lets us watch any of her torrented stuff basically anywhere in the house we want, because she was bored on vacation one day >racist enough to make/pol/ blush, just drops slurs casually all the time >obsessed with cats, once came home to her cradling my ornery old cat (who hates almost everyone) like a baby and rubbing his tummy while he just let her >has gotten into cooking recently because she likes changing variables to see how it affects the final meal I'm going to marry her >>466713680 (OP) # I'm now in my mid 40s and 15 years ago i started dating this well-endowed 40yo woman. After one year we had a daughter. She always worked from home and i managed the baby and cared for the house 205 KB JPG Well we're still together, we lived a happy and tranquil life. Still enjoying the boobs. We have one life, i value tranquility over nearly everything else. Imagine having to deal on a daily basis with some retarded tiktoker or social-network addicted. Dating an older woman born in the 90s is not a bad idea after all 4:33 AM May 20, 2024.179 Views I love dating older women. It comes with this peace of mind Non-arguments against hagmaxxing 30 "DURRRRRRR YOUR KIDS WILL BE DOWNIES BECAUSE OF GERIATRIC PREGNANCY AFTER 30 OR SMTHING." -Virgin TradLARPer, never saw a p---- in his life, is a latent homosexual and secretly wants to kidnap a 12 yr old to make him his "virgin catboy tradbride" Truth: Geriatric pregnancy means pregancy after 35 years, nevertheless women are still able to have healthy babies even after 35 happening, "This isn't actually they're grooming you, I'm younger and better than those old hags!" -Seething "femcel" who f---- ten men every week, is broke, permanently smashed on meds, and hates all men Truth: According to a reliable survey, men are starting to date older women and viceversa Grooming can not happen if both parties are consenting adults Older women are richer and more mature than younger girls "Who cares, she f----- 30 guys before you, you aren't special, all women are w-----." -Blackpilled doomer, can only live off his defeatism and nihilism Truth: it is statistically impossible for all women to be w-----, women who are very socially awkward tend to be lonely virgins or have a low body count Quirky zoomer "femcels" vs true awkward Millennial hags This is what 30 looks like Zoomer "femcel" -Claims to be socially awkward but has 3000 simps online -Either BPD or narcissist -Dates 5 guys at once -Has a body count in the 100s by 16 -Broke and chose a meme degree -"Tee hee I'm so weird and lonely!" -Scrolls Tiktok all day -Can't cook -Only wants 8/10 tall chads -Doesn't want babies -Hates men but will still f--- old boomers for money -Will cry like a baby if men leave her Autistic millennial hag -Is actually awkward and doesn't care -Less emotional baggage -Thinks dating apps are trash -Low body count or still a shy virgin -Has a job and money -Was on The Internet before it was cool -Can cook -Has real hobbies and goals in life -Doesn't care about your height or face -Will let your call her mommy -Loves you -Has baby rabies -Hates hookups and casual sex -Will never leave you Which way, young man?
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