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Chris the Lovable Jerk
Chris the Lovable Jerk

Didn't Oney basically cut ties with Arin over this? Like there was a big bts incident between Ding Dong and Julian with the other Game Grumps crew over that cruddy Dream Daddy game (apparently they didn't like the game and saw it as the shallow ay-baiting it was and Suzy and co or rabid Game Grumps fans outed Ding Dong to his homophobic mom) and this was essentially the straw that broke the camel's back for Chirs and Arin's relationship.

Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

Not really defending Arin, but it is worth noting Pelo himself confirmed him and Arin talked things out in private and things are cool between them now. Also I'll play mild devil's advocate and say I can at least see where Arin was coming from as while I'm sure Pelo did NOT mean any true ill will, one interpretation one could have taken from the whole "Newgrounds animators calling the cops on the storytime animators" bit could be "only people who started on Newgrounds are true animators and anyone else are just stupid posers!"

Again that's just me playing devil's advocate.


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