Title: Dawn (Akari), who's come back to the present day, Volo, who's lived up to the present day, and Cynthia, who's acting like an intimidating boyfriend against a stalker.
Dawn: "Cynthia~! It feels like this guy's been following us for a while"
Dawn (thought bubble): "W-w-why's Volo-san here?!?"
sfx: "Gyuu" (the sound of hugging tightly)
Cynthia: "You got business with my girlfriend?"
Volo: "Huh?"
Part 2 (from the Note) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FVmexVXUAAAcUv_.jpg :
Dawn: "Girl…friend…?"
Volo: "Is that so*…? How far have you gone?"
Dawn: "Oh no no, in the first place, we aren't even going ou-"
Cynthia: "I've kissed her (while she was sleeping)"
Dawn: "…huh?"
*TL note: Volo actually makes a "Hmmmm?" sound in a rising tone, signaling suspicion/doubt.
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Jun 20, 2022 at 05:08PM EDT