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in reply to Molemanninethousand

No, he has addressed the request of anime characters several times by now, mostly via interviews. Goku, in fact, has been brought up by him at least 3 times counting the most recent one this year, and he responded all 3 times with the same "no manga/anime characters in Smash" for all of them. Given that obvious pattern, the real close-minded approach here would be to ignore said response and pattern over the years and still think Goku has a chance out of pure wishful thinking over available evidence and the simple fact that Sakurai has 0 personal interest in Goku or anyone from any anime, and his statement of wanting to "bring gaming worlds together" for Ultimate clearly reflects that. Nothing close-minded in simply listening to what Sakurai has said with crystal-clear conviction at face value multiple times.

"B-but Ridley-"

is from a videogame, yes. Classic Nintendo character from a good game, too.


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