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Nox Lucis
Nox Lucis

I think Krystal fans understand that if she wasn't a furry fanservice meme character she'd have little else going for her.

I think K. Rool fans understand that he is a comparatively obscure Nintendo villain.

Waluigi's fandom has always been more of an ironic fandom, so I'm not sure how seriously they take their own salt over all this. Waluigi fans will feign outright worshiping the character for a joke, so I image that a lot of the outrage over the snub is also feigned.


Why is K. Rool here? He wasn't straight up deconfirmed like the other two, and we're clearly getting more than 2 newcomers despite Sakurai's statement.

If anything Ridley makes me feel BETTER about K. Rool's chances than the other way around.


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