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The greater aerie
The greater aerie

god this nonsense gives me conniptions
the first part is that its a HURRR WE SMARTER TOO DEEP FOR YOU nonsense.
everyone can see the grim darkness of the future and see how the effects are poor.
most important
>ascribing fascism to a pre-modernist political organization that is designed to be representative of ageing rome and a setting that is indeed late roman.
It's like calling a monarchy fascism, and in one of these arguments I've indeed had someone tell me that.
Totalitarianism does not simply become fascism and most ironically is the Kommissars being used for that point them being clearly inspired by stalinist communism (which in turn has been called red facism)
The association with the alt-right and their want to be associated is mostly a fabrication and it keeps me furious.
part 1/2?


There are two types of retards in relation to this debate.
The retards on the left who think that 40k is a fascist think-piece/wet-dream and
The retards on the right who think that 40k is a fascist think-piece/wet dream.
The rest of us are just morons screaming about Behnblades, Boyz, the Emperor's paradoxically-virgin loins and how to strategically apply them to a table covered in cardboard.

It's nothing more than a satire. The Imperium that both types of retards try to envision as a fascist utopia is literally dying by the second from it's own wounds. It might take many thousand more years, but the Imperium will die, and it will be a slow, tortuous, maddening death from all sides and within.
The Fate of every real life modern-era fascist state.

Minus the space-locusts.


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