Steven Universe - Images
Steven Universe
Pearl gets over her thirst! (hopefully)
Steven Universe
We did it...
Steven Universe
And the pissed off gem today is:
Steven Universe
stop starin at me with those big ole eyes
Steven Universe
Stevonnie is such a cutie :v
Steven Universe
I dunno, some title
Steven Universe
Verily, I say, we shall henceforth be referred to as "Malachite"
Steven Universe
What's up everybody, this is Cr1tstal Gem
Steven Universe
killing time by doodling this beautiful abomination
Steven Universe
Steven Universe
Steven Universe
You are a pirate
Steven Universe
Heli-dot now has weaponry
Steven Universe
In your face!
Steven Universe
Jamie's rendition of "On the Run"
Steven Universe
Triangle mom
Steven Universe
true weapon
Steven Universe
she looks like that she is showing a middle finger
Steven Universe
rip her foot
Steven Universe