/r/freefolk - Images
Caaaan do! | /r/FreeFolk
Bran plays hard to get. | /r/FreeFolk
That arc made sense, right? Right? | /r/FreeFolk
Only six episodes? | /r/FreeFolk
Jon's dialogue. | /r/FreeFolk
S07E06 "Beyond the Wall" - Worst episode before Season 8 | /r/FreeFolk
I always wanted to find a Brienne and Jaime work and this makes me so happy | /r/FreeFolk
I'm not sure I get a vote, but aye. | /r/FreeFolk
Remember the days when we thought things like this were going to mean something in the end. | /r/FreeFolk
Tell Cersei.. | /r/FreeFolk
Totally Agreed! | /r/FreeFolk
It's Sad But It's True | /r/FreeFolk
Writers: But exploding carts go "Boom! Pow! Bang!" | /r/FreeFolk
Exactly how it looks. It's my favorite one | /r/FreeFolk
Book Eight: The Game Continues | /r/FreeFolk
D & D after subverting everything and ruining all the characters people love and then getting hate for it | /r/FreeFolk
Leaked image of GRRM's "The Winds Of Winter" | /r/FreeFolk
Not in it? The catalyst for the War of the Five Kings?The murderer of the Hand of the King? The ostensible murderer of King Joffrey Baratheon? Hand of the Queen for Daenerys Targaryen and her disastrious military campaign? Helped murder her. What's in tha
Dad prob has some regrets | /r/FreeFolk
Remember when Littlefinger knew how to play the Game of Thrones? | /r/FreeFolk