/r/freefolk - Images
SLAYYYYYY | /r/FreeFolk
Shadowcats. No budget for direwolves so they say. Animating black tigers had no chance. | /r/FreeFolk
" , ' ." | /r/FreeFolk
Please don't give me Pycelle as a doctor | /r/FreeFolk
Did I miss anything | /r/FreeFolk
Shame | /r/FreeFolk
You just can’t make me | /r/FreeFolk
And now his watch is ended (His final scene reminded me of the watchers on the wall) | /r/FreeFolk
The real tragedy is the Essosian Refugee Education System. | /r/FreeFolk
Someone said to give BCS the GoT treatment. Didn't take long to find this. Not all heroes wear capes. | /r/FreeFolk
today we give thanks to the One True writer of the Declaration of Independence | /r/FreeFolk
Dexter writers: "I'll fucking do it again" | /r/FreeFolk
What it’s like to have toddlers on an inclement day. | /r/FreeFolk
There's no way they won't get Jamie Campbell to play a Targaryen | /r/FreeFolk
I knew it! | /r/FreeFolk
My reaction when talking about s8 to someone | /r/FreeFolk
By far the most overrated character on the show: | /r/FreeFolk
I went to an exhibit in a castle in France when suddenly... | /r/FreeFolk
Rewatching Game of Thrones on Season 6 and 7 mainly Dany scenes. Were they trying to push her as a monster in those last 2 years because she was all fire and blood in S6 and in S7 she executes prisoners despite her saying she is all peaceful. Is it really
Ranking of major characters in the show | /r/FreeFolk