Perfectly Timed Photos - Images
Right as lightning strikes
Perfectly Timed Photos
Supper is served
Perfectly Timed Photos
Goose photobombed
Perfectly Timed Photos
The anti-freeze blew up
Perfectly Timed Photos
Perfectly Timed Photos
Stealing the Moon
Perfectly Timed Photos
Perfect timing
Perfectly Timed Photos
Perfectly Timed Photos
Perfectly Timed Photos
This is kind of perfect
Perfectly Timed Photos
Perfectly Timed Photos
Perfectly Timed Photos
Perfectly Timed Photos
Cloud being sliced by a plane
Perfectly Timed Photos
Not sure about this meeting
Perfectly Timed Photos
Inspecting the puck
Perfectly Timed Photos
Iguana leap
Perfectly Timed Photos
That was never going to end well
Perfectly Timed Photos
Hate when that happens
Perfectly Timed Photos
Seconds before impact
Perfectly Timed Photos